A Day at the Fair Grounds

Wallace and Gromit have certainly been busy. I remember back in the day when all we had was a few movies to show us the hilarious antics of the absent-minded inventor and his lovable, exasperated hound. Now a whole new generation of kids gets to experience the dry British humor that I grew up with. Following the mystery of The Last Resort, Wallace and Gromit have decided to attend a fundraising fair sponsored by Montey Muzzle who has come in to town to help all the poor puppies whose shelter had been destroyed during the storm that took place during grand adventure #2.

You begin the game by having Gromit track down pieces of Wallace’s newest invention, an ice cream machine that can make any type of ice cream you want, as long as you have a sample (protip: you’ll need to find the samples).  While doing so, Gromit befriends three young pups, strays thanks to the dog shelter being destroyed. As the game gets going, it becomes abundantly clear that Mr. Muzzle, might not be all the caring, dog-lover that he paves himself out to be and it’s up to Gromit and his new friends to save the day.

Essentially the game plays just as well as the first two Grand Adventure games, with all the same minor glitches in movement that I mentioned in my review of Last Resort. The voice acting and music is still top notch and the graphics are a delight.  The game is fun and a great representation of the cartoons I love.  It has a nice touch of adventure game with a few fun mini-games to keep you playing.  I mean, who doesn’t love playing Tic-Tac-Toe against a chicken.

If you are looking for an adventure game to play, you could do a lot worse than Muzzled. It’s defiantly fun for at least one play through.

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