Age of Mythology

When it comes to great releases on the PC, Microsoft would be one of the last game companies I would refer to. They only have a few titles, such as Links and Age of Empires that have actually made it big. As you can tell I wasn’t too excited about playing the long awaited Age of Mythology. Did I end up enjoying it? Well you’ll soon find out.


The CG Intro movie was done pretty well, and in fact I was actually impressed at first. But then again, what CG movie these days isn’t cool and realistic. I give credit to all the hard work, and effort Microsoft has put into the Intro. Gameplay graphics seem to lack, as compared to Warcraft 3. There isn’t anything that would be found as ‘cool’. The main menu looks somewhat ghetto, but the back ground looks good, it kind of gave me the impression Microsoft rushed the game in the end in order to make the release date. Maybe the shore, or a falling tree could pass as ‘cool’ but unfortunately Microsoft will have to work on it a bit harder to get my full vote on graphics.


Sound was regular, what I mean is decent. Nothing special you wouldn’t consider a Microsoft Game to have. I didn’t pay any attention to the music at first while playing the game, yet the effects are similar to any other RTS game. Building, collecting gold, and falling trees are just some of the basic common sounds all RTS games have. The positioning was done fairly well. You will be able to hear where attacks are coming from depending where it is placed on the screen.


Like any RTS game, you’ll have to build and collect gold and etc. But in this game it differs a bit. You will be able to worship gods, and they will help you kill your enemies. Depending on the type of God you choose, different abilities will benefit your people. This idea/concept of the game is really cool. Who doesn’t enjoy throwing their opponents across the screen with a one-eyed monster. In case you don’t want to play as the Greeks, Microsoft has also included a few other types of races to choose from such as, the Norse and the Egyptians. The abilities and powers differ on the type of race you choose.


It’s nice seeing how all those years studying Greek Mythology in grade school end up proving itself useful. Some of the stories follow the real myths relatively well such as. the Trojan horse attack. Basically it wouldn’t hurt to play the game if you had a Greek Mythology test the next day. Also, if you are looking for a change in RTS games this would be great. Overall the game was fun but it’s nothing to die for–like Warcraft 3.

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