Albino Lullaby, Episode 2: Alice’s Lullaby (PC) Review

Standing as a sequel to 2015’s Albino Lullaby, Alice’s Lullaby is a journey into the madcap minds of indie developers, Ape Law. With it’s wonderfully bizarre world and creeping undertones, the title will undoubtedly win over the hearts of those that like their gaming to be off the wall and full of the bizarre. The game works wonders to create a foreboding atmosphere and transports us to a world of nightmares. However, it’s not without its issues.

The Nightmarish World of Alice’s Lullaby

When it comes to world-building Alice’s Lullaby makes it abundantly clear that Ape Law know what they’re doing. The world we’re here transported to is presented in a unique graphical style; with cross-hatched shading and uneven lines, the stage is set to create a sense of unease that paradoxically urges the player to explore further into the haunting dimension and delve deeper into the twisted world of Alice’s Lullaby.

Alice's Lullaby (PC) Review | MyGamer

To keep in with the bizarre theme of the game, Alice’s Lullaby throws you straight into the smooth and shiny skin of a narwhal (because why not, right?). Beginning the game happily swimming around a large tank with your narwhal friends, you’re lulled into a false perception that you’re in for a happy go lucky experience, full of heart-warming charm and cute creatures. However, these early misconceptions are quick to ebb as unseen entities throw spears into the tank, harpooning your narwhal friends and family. It’s quite a dramatic – and mildly upsetting – turn of events that does a great job of setting the scene for the nightmarish adventure ahead. While the demise of the massacred mammals served just this very purpose, I never stumbled upon a reason behind this opening during my short-lived experience.

A Short-Lived Adventure

When I say that my adventure was short-lived, this wasn’t down to the longevity of the game, but instead a lack of direction, broken mechanics or – more likely – my own stupidity (which leads us back to a lack of direction). My problems arose very early on in the game when I was unable to break open locks to access areas of Alice’s Lullaby which I have a sneaking suspicion were vital if I was to progress.

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Just minutes before I entered the city the game had me breaking locks using a device known as a “clicker”. The tool uses an electromagnetic charge to burst open the green glowing padlocks and needs to be charged at the many charging stations dotted throughout the city. It’s such a simple concept which is what had me scratching my head a few minutes later when it simply refused to work. Various letters scattered around the beautifully insane city pointed me in the direction of someone they were calling “Pogo”. Alas, dear Pogo’s door was locked tight with one of these unbreakable padlocks, halting my progression. Despite my perseverance, I never did find a way to continue my journey.

If this isn’t a bug then the talented minds at Ape Law should offer just a little guidance to help the player along the way. Being no stranger to puzzle games, I exhausted many ideas before eventually putting it down to a bug and cutting my experience of this creatively brilliant adventure short.

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Alice’s Lullaby is an outstanding example of how a game can be abundantly unsettling without having to rely on the usual tools of gore and jump scares. Even in the very early stages of the game, I felt myself being immersed into it’s unearthly embrace. The level and character design coupled with the sounds around you come together like a fine broth; bursting with flavor and spice.





A superb atmosphere-rich experience, sadly let down by unbreakable padlocks

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