Astraware Launches New Game for HP TouchPad

Astraware Word Games is now available for the HP TouchPad (remember those? WebOS is awesome. Seriously, check it out).

Astraware Word Games is a pack of 5 different word games, from anagrams to wordsearches to spelling challenges! And to celebrate this release, we are offering our other HP TouchPad games at just 99c for a limited time (the games are Astraware Casin0, Astraware Mahjong, Astraware Sudoku, OddBlob and Astraware Solitaire).

   – SHUFFLE – Find anagrams and make as many words as you can with the letters provided including the 5, 6 or 7 letter target word to unlock the next level. The more words you get, the bigger your score. Use the Shuffle button to spin, twist and mix the letters up!

   – WORDSEARCH – Find all the listed words within the grid of letters, horizontally vertically, or diagonally! Play using the standard dictionary, or choose from over 20 special lists of themed words!

   – HEXXED – Make words by tracing your finger through the tiles to make a chain within the hexagonal grid! Create long, interesting or unusual words to keep your word power score up and earn more tiles or time!

   – GRIDLOCK – Make words by tracing your fingers through the letters to make a chain. As you make words the tiles light up. Light up the whole grid to level up! New levels bring new board shapes and board sizes to complete, each with a different challenge. Use special tiles to boost your word power, score bonus points and help you to solve the trickiest puzzles!

   – SPELLMASTER – Challenge your spelling skills against words of increasing difficulty. Choose the correct spelling from a choice of 4 words, 3 of which are misspelled! Easy at first, it gets more challenging as you are tested on words that you certainly don't see every day!"

Astraware Word Games is now available for the HP TouchPad (remember those? WebOS is awesome. Seriously, check it out).

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