Atari Releases New Wii Exclusive


The Kore Gang is an action platformer, developed by Pixonauts, which follows the exploits of three intrepid adventurers:  Pixie, an acrobatic thrill-seeker who craves excitement; the not-so-agile, MadBoy, who has a big heart and even bigger fists; and, their pal Rex, a tiny and fast chihuahua with a big bark.

When Manhattan is attacked by the evil subterranean Krank Brothers and their Krank Tank, it is up to Pixie, Madboy and Rex to save the city and ultimately the world.  

With the help of the Kore Suit developed by Dr. Samuelson, robotic armor which greatly enhances the wearer's natural abilities, Pixie Madboy and Rex set out on an adventure to confront the Kranks and end their reign of nastiness.

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