Games are not the only thing that comes to mind when the Electronic Entertainment Expo is brought up. The Expo, E3 for short, is an annual trade show held in Los Angeles, that allows video game developers to show off their latest projects. However, with all the buzz around certain hot titles, it is tough for some games to get noticed. That is where the “booth babes” come in. Or at least, that is where they came in.
Simply put, booth babes are girls, usually models that are scantily clad. They hang around their game’s booth, and try to attract as many gamers to their booth as possible. This year, though, things will be different. The babes can stay, but the “scantily clad” part has got to go.
There has always been a rule regarding the wearing of bikini’s or other sexually explicit clothes, but this year, the rule will finally be enforced. The group behind E3, the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), will issue a verbal warning first for violations of this rule. If a second offense occurs, a fine of $5,000 will be tacked on.
For more news on the upcoming 2006 E3, check back here at!
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