Dell unveiled today at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas their latest PC desktop system targeted at the overclocking and high-end gaming performance crowd. The system, named the XPS 710 H2C, is powered by an Intel Core Extreme QX6700 quad-core processor factory overclocked by Dell technicians (and covered under warranty, no less) to 3.2 GHz, with video supplied by two NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX graphics cards with quad scalable link interface technology. All of this power is cooled by a sealed water cooling plant. Dell had this to say about the 710’s water cooling system in today’s press release:
The XPS 710 H2Ceramic (H2C) Edition desktop comes in a midnight-black chassis and offers patent-pending cooling technology designed for serious gamers who want to push performance beyond tested limits. Dell developed the H2C design to better cool the processor, extend its life and help the system run more reliably than conventional cooling systems even when the system is overclocked. The Intel quad-core processor is factory overclocked for extreme gaming and video editing, and backed by specialized XPS technicians.
Knowing the reservations that some PC gamers have with the idea of putting liquids inside their cases, we asked Dell about the cooling system and were informed that it is a completely sealed device, engineered to be maintenance free for 7 years. Additionally, Dell is planning on publishing a white paper that will help the truly hard-core to tweak other areas of the PC, such as the video card memory as well as further overclocking the CPU, however Dell was careful to note that overclocking the system “further than factory settings” would void the warranty. At this time, no further information regarding a date for the white paper has been communicated by Dell.
The Dell XPS 710 carries a price tag commensurate with its powerhouse statistics – H2C systems start at $5499. Given Dell’s proven track record at crafting high-end gaming platforms, howwever, we are extremely curious to see the 710 in action.
MyGamer will be following this system closely and will bring you a full field report of the XPS 710 H2C as soon as possible – until then, check back with MyGamer often for continuing updates.
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