Clumsy Rush is a party game featuring Hippos

Clumsy Rush is a competitive party game. Move around like a duck, bump each other, steal the crown and have ton of fun together because time spent with friends and family is priceless.

Just tap out a beat and move your feet! Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot – find your rhythm. It is absorbing, funny and cheerful.

See that shiny yellow thing that looks like a crown? That’s what you’re after! Grab it and run to the finish line. You can’t be the King of the Race without a crown! Is your friend wearing the crown? Bump them, knock the crown off their head, then scoop it up and run, run, run!

Play one of 27 random, clumsy Hippo characters:

The game is packed with 25 modifications, 27 Hippos and 47 random levels! There’s something for everybody to enjoy. Players make their moves at the same time, so the fun is faster than ever!

  • Santa Hippo – Ho! Ho! Ho! If want a present give me the crown
  • Sumo Hippo – Don’t be “jelly” of his belly!
  • Donald – Get down to business no time for laziness 
  • Cop – Anything you do may be used against you
  • Master – Be prepared for destruction he will teach you instruction
  • Max – You need to admire, that he’s always on fire
  • Doc – One crown a day keeps the doctor away
  • Hula – Hoops but never flops

… and 20 more lovely, full of color Hippos making hilarious sounds.


  • Product was tested on children! None were harmed in the process, but we have noticed side effects such as wide smile or tears of joy 😉
  • 25 random game modifications: Walking backwards, Bounce (flipper), Angle180, Backwards, ChangeLegs, Charge minus, Charge plus, Chubby, Crown Clones X2, Tiles Oil, Wrap, Freeze, and more…
  • Random 27 clumsy Hippos
  • Random 47 levels
  • Local multiplayer for 2 players
  • Nintendo Switch 23rd December | Xbox – Dec/Jan 2020

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