Cogno Jumps to Games

The award-winning multimedia kid’s brand, “Cogno” is making a name for itself among kids, parents and educators with its “Star Wars-Meets-Magic School Bus” approach to fun and learning. Leading agency FOG Studios will now take the Cogno characters, stories and products into the interactive realm.

In the Cogno world, intriguing characters from space — with names like Cogno, Phonica, Volo and Chrona — are the common thread linking games, books, syndicated content and other Cogno-branded products. All are aimed at enabling kids and their families to have a blast, while exploring and learning key concepts of science, math, and language.

“Cogno has great potential in the interactive space, because the brand possesses interesting characters, strong plots and storylines, and award-winning content. These are the earmarks of a winner in this space,” says Ed Dille, CEO of FOG.

FOG Studios has held a leading position in business representation of branded properties for nearly three decades, having negotiated more interactive licensing agreements for greater combined value than all other licensing agencies combined. A pioneer in the field of video games, FOG nurtures and represents properties throughout the world and across multiple platforms including console, mobile, and online gaming.


“Interactive gaming is a natural extension of the Cogno brand—one that has been part of our strategic plan since the beginning. Due to the strength of our brand proposition and successes in offline games and content syndication, we were able to attract FOG Studios to represent us in this high-potential category,” according to Stuart Montaldo, President & CEO of Cogno Products. “Ed Dille is exactly the seasoned professional that can help us realize Cogno’s full potential in interactive gaming.”

The agreement with FOG Studios follows Cogno’s addition, in 2007, of Greg Hoffmann as its Vice President of Brand Development and Licensing. Formerly the CEO and co-owner of Mary Engelbreit Studios in St. Louis, Hoffman advises regarding Cogno’s brand development, and leads its newspaper syndication and merchandise licensing planning. Prior to that, Cogno signed with literary agent Cathy Hemming, the former President of HarperCollins Publishing, to represent the brand in book publishing.

St. Louis-based DoubleStar, LLC, the developer of Cogno, is owned by Montaldo and a group of private investors. Since introducing the first Cogno game nationally in 2004, the product line has grown to four games, a book series and content syndications that are widely distributed in the United States and abroad. Together, Cogno products have garnered 27 national awards.

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