Destory All Humans Score

Composer Garry Schyman has been writing musical scores for many films, television shows and documentaries and has now been revealed as the mastermind for the score of Pandemic’s newest game: Destroy All Humans!

The score is in the style of an old 1950 Sci-Fi movie. The Day The Earth Stood Still is an example of the musical score. Garry Schyman has recorded the 1 hour musical score in Los Angeles with the help of other musical composers.

Garry Schyman comments by saying: “I never played the humor of the game directly. Instead I wrote the score as if this was 1953 and I was a working composer of that era. With that in mind I played it dead serious, which led to an overly dramatic score and the humor that comes from that approach.”

Garry Schyman has worked on scores for films such as Concrete War, Hit List, and Never Too Young To Die. Schyman has also worked on video games such as Voyeur, Voyeur II, and Off World Interceptor.

Destroy All Humans! Will be released on the Xbox and Playstaion 2 on June 21, 2005.

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