See the Dragon’s Crown Pro 4K Difference

Dragon’s Crown Pro‘s release is just around the corner, bringing with it beautifully enhanced 4K graphics and a fully re-recorded orchestral arrangement for every musical track in the game. This is the point where a Sorceress might cast a beguiling charm or two to bend others to her will, but we’d much rather avoid the dark arts and show off a 4K trailer with an updated BGM instead! For anyone who prefers the original BGM, it can be swapped to at any time during gameplay in the game’s audio options.

See the difference between HD and 4K for yourself and hear how a full orchestra breathes new life into Dragon’s Crown Pro‘s BGM at the link below:

Dragon’s Crown Pro features:
  • Visuals Fit for an Ancient Dragon – With beautifully-refined artwork and 4K resolution support, Vanillaware’s signature art style will come alive as you bludgeon, cleave, shoot, and loot through the dungeons of Hydeland.
  • A Rousing Adventurer’s Soundtrack – A newly recorded soundtrack by fabled composer Hitoshi Sakimoto, supported by a live orchestra, will accompany daring treasure hunters on their search for the Dragon’s Crown.
  • Glorious Presentation – Rejoice because English and Japanese audio options will now be available! Plus, game text will be localized in French, Italian, German, and Spanish.
  • All the Royal Bells and Whistles – If you already own Dragon’s Crown, your saves won’t go to waste. There will be online cross-play & cross-save compatibility with existing PS3 and Vita versions. Oh, and all patches, features, and the Storyteller Voice Pack DLC from the original game will be included!
  • Four Player Frenzy – With the fun local couch co-op and online multiplayer you remember, up to four players can experience countless hours battling together.

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