DS Dominates EU

In the handheld war, Nintendo has just claimed Europe as under its control, having sold over 200,000 DS Lites in just ten days outselling the PSP, Nintendo of Europe officials announced today.


The system’s success varies from country to country. In the U.K. the system experience a relatively modest start, selling over 35,000 units during its weekend launch, while the system was better received in traditionally Nintendo friendly nations like France and Germany. In comparison, the DS Lite has sold over 136,500 units in the US after only two days.


According to Nintendo of Europe, the Nintendo DS has now secured the lead in the European handheld market with total sales of the format now exceeding 5 million. The most popular software continues to be Nintendogs which has sold over 3 million copies, exceeding the game’s sales in Japan and North America. Animal Crossing: Wild World which launched in Europe in March has also done well, selling over 600,000 copies, and Brain Age has made its mark, selling over 250,000 units in just over a month.


Sony has not yet released any sales figures for comparison, save for having shipped almost 6 million units for all territories save North America and Japan.

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