E3: Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess to Have Two Versions

Announced at Nintendo’s press conference today at E3, Nintendo’s upcoming Zelda game, [i]The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess[/i], will be seeing two versions of the game, both to be launched simultaneously alongside the console launch of the Nintendo Wii. The two versions will be a GameCube version, and a Wii version.

The GameCube version is pretty self-explanatory, having all the gameplay elements we’ve come to expect from a Zelda game. The Wii version, on the other hand, will be a Wii exclusive, and will take advantage of the Wii’s controller to perform Link’s actions, such as sword fighting, archery, and, heck, even fishing. Not so enthused about the fishing part, but the sword fighting part sounds really cool. Expect the two versions to hit store shelves alongside the Wii during the fourth quarter of 2006.

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