Fantastic 4 flames on to storeshelves

Fantastic 4 the game hits retail stores nationwide

Based on the upcoming [b]Marvel[/b] Superheroes movie [i]Fantastic 4[/i], comes the release of the video game by [b]Activision[/b], where you control all four of Marvels first generation family of Superheroes including Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and the Thing. Play single player or Co-op in this team-based action adventure game taking on thugs and facing your arch nemesis Dr. Doom.

Co ?written by Zak Penn, who helped write the story for X-men 2 and is currently working on X-men 3, this game lets you switch between all four characters and wreak havoc in destructible environments inspired by the long time running Fantastic 4 comics.

[b] Fantastic 4[/b] will be available for the Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, PC, and GBA.

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