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  1. Atlas_Hope

    Steam Wishlist

    1. Far Cry 4 2. Lichdom Battlemage 3. This War of Mine 4. Serious Sam 3 5. Torchlight 2
  2. Atlas_Hope

    Favorite Nintendo DS game.

    Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin, I just love the sidescrolling games in the series. The more recent 3D games seen on console are alright, but can't compare to 2D iterations in my opinion, the bosses are awesome, graphics pleasant and the mix of action and rpg elements make you...
  3. Atlas_Hope

    Is Steam making you spend more on games than you used to do?

    I think it's best just to wait for the major summer or winter sales, where you can buy most releases from the year for a reduced price, that's where you save the most money. Otherwise saving 10 dollars on a game is solely due to being a digital pc release, they're always cheaper than a console game.
  4. Atlas_Hope

    Most Favorite Open-World Game?

    Far Cry 3 and Assassins Creed 2 would be my choices. I did literally everything in Far Cry 3, just found the game had the perfect pacing and super fun gameplay. Assassins Creed 2 got me into the series since I found 1 to be lackluster in many departments.
  5. Atlas_Hope

    Upcoming games

    Arkham Knight and MGS Phantom Pain are my most anticipated games at the moment. The trailers for Arkham look amazing, and Ground Zeroes confirmed my suspicions that we might be seeing the best Metal Gear game ever released.
  6. Atlas_Hope

    Kingdom Hearts?

    I quite like the series, the first being one of my fondest memories for PS2 games. I just think they should have put out 3 earlier instead of releasing tonnes of other games in the series all on different consoles, just makes things unnecessarily confusing. When 3 finally comes out I'll...
  7. Atlas_Hope

    Whats your favorite FPS ever?

    The original Bioshock holds the position not as just my favorite fps ever, but my favorite game of all time. The first time I played it it was an experience, just the entire world absorbed me instantly, and I've played through it a few times.
  8. Atlas_Hope

    One Game You're Most Addicted To?

    Dota 2. It's just so addicting, and in a little over a year is my most played game of all time. It's insanely competitive, can be the most rewarding and most soulcrushing game ever, yet I can't keep myself from coming back to it with my friends.
  9. Atlas_Hope

    What are your gaming achievements?

    Used to be in the top 200ish for the original Dead Rising, and Top 100 for one of the FFA maps in Resident Evil 5. Can't think of anything else at the moment, but I believe that's about it.
  10. Atlas_Hope

    If you had to live in one game environment it would be...?

    Dead or Alive: Xtreme Beach Volleyball's world. For the uh...beaches.
  11. Atlas_Hope

    Does the influx of younger games disturb you?

    I think it's perfectly natural to get annoyed by people who are obviously too immature to handle losing etc. on an online game, but honestly people of all ages act immature. I think the bigger concern is knowing what their kids are saying, because when I was younger I never resorted to swearing...
  12. Atlas_Hope

    What Attracts Gamers to Violent Games?

    I think its merely escapism, everyone at some point gets annoyed or frustrated at people and think "man I want to punch that person" but the difference is that most people won't actually follow through with the thought. Games let you get out frustration, pretend you're an awesome character who...
  13. Atlas_Hope

    Do you use emulators?

    I'm not an expert on the best emulators to use or anything, but in my experience Project 64 is good for the N64, SNes9x for the SNES, VisualBoyAdvance for the GBA, and JNES or Nestopia for the NES. is a good website for downloading the emulators (all emulators are rated in terms of...
  14. Atlas_Hope

    Trash talk between friends...

    Yeah I generally don't trash talk against people because its sort of silly to, unless they start to do it in a way that goes beyond trash talking and is just meant to be annoying/rude. Then I have no qualms about retorting back.
  15. Atlas_Hope

    Games You Are Bad At

    I find when playing fighting games they require a lot of time invested to get a good handle on all the mechanics, then when you finally go online I feel like im playing against the Bruce Lee's of Street Fighters.
  16. Atlas_Hope

    Anyone else watch streams?

    I watch a lot of Dota 2 streamers and sometimes tournaments, love the game and have a few favorite people in the scene to watch.
  17. Atlas_Hope

    If all electronic games were unusuable tomorrow, what games will you play?

    Probably take the time to learn how to play poker as I've never gotten around to it unfortunately. Risk would last me and my buddies for 6 years to complete 1 game so I think that would be another great choice, and we already often get together to play Settlers of Catan so that would be another...
  18. Atlas_Hope

    PS4 is now obsolete technology, you still want one?

    Computer's will always be more advanced than consoles, that's just how things go. Doesn't/Shouldn't deter me or others from buying one however, for the ease of use, being able to not have to drop extra money to upgrade, and ability to buy physical copies of games.
  19. Atlas_Hope

    Tripleslash Studios Considering a Vita Version of Puzzle-Platformer Magnetic By Nature

    Fez, Minecraft, Hotline Miami, Thomas Was Alone, Lone Survivor, Monaco, Paper's Please, Brothers, Hack n' Slash...I would consider these fairly unique and recent. If the logic is that every game in existence is similar to another, and the most unique are worth kickstarter money, there's probably...
  20. Atlas_Hope

    The Wii U Is Slowly Making a Comeback...Sort Of

    The issue with Nintendo is that they really only have first party games for which they're currently relying on to get any money from the Wii U. I think that Smash Bros. secured them for a bit of time, but they'll just lose the next console race if they don't step up they game in nearly all...