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  1. Rowe992

    Cell Phones

    I would get an Android because they are the coolest phones available right now. The Android operating system has no competitor at this moment and any decent phone with Android will be great to have.
  2. Rowe992

    Mac for gaming

    I wouldn't buy a Mac for gaming or otherwise. I think that Mac is overrated and you can get a much better system with Windows or even linux for far less money. I think you are clearly paying for the Mac OS because the hardware specs are not the very best.
  3. Rowe992

    digital download or not?

    Well I would refer to have a hard copy of my games because anything can happen and you lose all your data on your hard drive. The digital format may be more convenient but it is also risky because you can lose it at anytime should your storage medium becomes corrupted.
  4. Rowe992

    COD Ghosts

    I agree with you about the storyline not being interesting. I think the best games in the Call of duty series are COD 2 and COD modern warfare series. These modern storylines are dull and boring now. They need to bring back COD to its roots.
  5. Rowe992

    Steam surpasses 9 million concurrent users

    Great job to steam and the visionaries behind it. It is great to see PC gaming at the level it deserves to be and Steam has been a wonderful addition to it. I use Steam to see the reviews and the screenshots of games before I think about getting them.
  6. Rowe992

    NES games = best ever.

    I love NES but I wouldn't say it is the best of the older games. I think Sega Genesis is better but that is just me. Where NES games are concerned, I love Contra and the simulation game called Aero Biz. Mortal kombat is also another favorite of mine.
  7. Rowe992

    Silliest reasons to get an Xbox One

    This is no surprise because a lot of these technological items are bought because of feeling the need to belong and because it is trendy. When people line up for hours before the release of a new phone or game, they do it because they think having the gadget will make them cool among their peers.
  8. Rowe992

    Good mobile for gaming?

    Well when I am buying a phone I look on the specifications first and foremost and then the brand after that. A good Android device for gaming is one which has a quad core processor or greater, and at least 2gb ram. A good gpu is also a plus. Just search for the phone with the best hardware...
  9. Rowe992

    What are the best mobile companies for gaming?

    Well I can't say which is best but there are some companies that are known for gaming on the mobile platform such as Gameloft and EA. I just choose games base on the categories I like and not necessarily the company that created it. As long as the game was made good then I don't have a problem.
  10. Rowe992

    How do you find new games?

    Well I play Android games and I would just go to the Google Play store and see what is new. There are also some websites that may feature new releases so you may want to google them and see what you get. I think the app stores are the most reliable sources because you will see the apps.
  11. Rowe992

    Do you remember you first ever computer console or system?

    I think where gaming has gone today, makes one appreciate the games of the past because no matter how realistic today's games are, the gaming of the past is just something to be in awe of because that experience of playing a video game for the first time is just magical.
  12. Rowe992

    Do you remember you first ever computer console or system?

    The first game console I played was the Sega Genesis when I was about 5 years old. I remember playing games such as Sonic and Mortal Kombat with my cousins. I really loved that game and I would buy one today if I saw one for sale.
  13. Rowe992

    Would you play games that were designed to help you mentally?

    This sounds very interesting and I would love to try it. Anything that has to do with brain development is a plus and I am sure that a lot of people would be interested in such games. It would be a good use of technology and games to help with educational development.
  14. Rowe992

    Too old to play games?

    Video games don't come with an age restriction for people who are over the age of 18. It is good that you can enjoy yourself by gaming because there are a lot of unhappy folks out there who will not even try to do something new such as gaming. You are never too old to game my friend.
  15. Rowe992

    Making Your Own Games

    I once though about it but coding is something I did because I had to for my exams but I don't really like it. I have always prefer the hardware aspects of things and would love to learn about designing hardware. I have seen some programs that can help with creating games but I have never...
  16. Rowe992

    Do you think companies should do away with consoles and just make games for PC

    Of course not! A lot of people just prefers to game on consoles and also the fact that games made for consoles will always work the way they were designed to. You have to remember that gaming on a pc is much more complex as not all games will work on all computers. We have to realize that...
  17. Rowe992

    75,000 fans sign petition for Modern Warfare 2 remake

    Call of duty modern warfare 2 on pc is one of my favorites in the series. If the people want the game on the ps4 and the xbox one then infinity ward will be stupid not to make a version for these platforms. I know the game may be old where the release date is concerned but I think the sales will...
  18. Rowe992

    Do you think media causes violence?

    Video games like movies and music will always have some impact on the minds of some people but it is still up to an individual to act on these impressions given. I have watched all types of movies and played all kinds of games and I have never been influenced to do anything negatively. People...
  19. Rowe992

    Do you prefer the pc version of games over the console?

    Well the fact that the pc can use all the controllers that are used on gaming consoles means that the pc is versatile and also you can upgrade your pc to suit new games while consoles are only relevant as long as game developers continue to make the DVDs.
  20. Rowe992

    GTA 5!!!

    I am so excited to finally seeing GTA V on the pc platform. I don't own any consoles and therefore I game on PC and I was a bit disappointed with Rockstar games for delaying the PC version for so long. PC consumers need to be treated better because piracy is also on the console platform as well.