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  1. nonsiccus


    I discovered today that credits can be stolen. I logged in to find that all credits had been stolen by a user and then spent. Not that I care for imaginary points, but it seems somewhat destructive to the community to include such a feature. From there, I was able to see that you can steal from...
  2. nonsiccus

    Do you like single player or multi player content better?

    There's nothing quite like hanging out in voice chat and having a few beers while playing your favourite games together. It's a great way to keep in touch even if you're across the country from each other and for the duration you almost forget that you're nowhere near each other.
  3. nonsiccus

    Games You Are Bad At

    Oh god, Dark Souls. That game got so frustrating so fast. At first I thought I might enjoy the challenge because I love the idea of needing fast reflexes to get through it. Then I realized the majority of my deaths weren't even because I didn't react in time, but it was because the threat was...
  4. nonsiccus

    Is Warlords of Draenor worth buying at full price?

    Which camp do you fall under? As someone who would only be interested in the raiding and PvP aspects, I'm glad to hear that they've been addressing some of the issues that have been around for ages. Could you expand a bit on how the raiding is like now? Which raid does the current content bear...
  5. nonsiccus

    Do you like single player or multi player content better?

    Competition is really the best way to keep a game fresh. Look at CS1.6, it's so incredibly old now but there was still a decent competitive scene in it up until just very recently with the launch of Global Offensive. It's really a testament to the fact that engaging gameplay and a competitive...
  6. nonsiccus


    I saw another user's forum signature was "purchased" using the currency, as well as their title. I have a feeling that there will be a whole bunch of little cosmetic bits that can be added to your profile/account as you earn more of the currency. Perhaps expanded to some sort of tipping system...
  7. nonsiccus

    What game has the most realistic AI?

    Oh I forgot about how many hours I sunk in to Left 4 Dead 1. The director feature was pretty cool, but I wouldn't call it realistic by any means. It sounded a lot cooler in the tech demos than when it was actually brought out. I found that it was pretty easy to manipulate once you knew when and...
  8. nonsiccus

    Games You Are Bad At

    If you liked the Company of Hero games, you'll more than likely enjoy the Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2 series. It's by the same company, built on the same game engine and is basically a reskin and retooling of the original game with Warhammer units. There is some new stuff, but overall the...
  9. nonsiccus

    Games You Are Bad At

    Maybe because Company of Heroes is a little slower paced than the average RTS game. I mean, there's a ton of micro involved in CoH, but you still end up commanding a relatively small amount of forces and must position them strategically to make the best use of them. Maybe you're more of a tactician?
  10. nonsiccus

    Do you like single player or multi player content better?

    I never really understood the completionist or achievement point of view. Do you gain a lot of satisfaction from exploring everywhere, or discovering every hidden item? Do you derive less enjoyment from the conventional gameplay? As somewhat of a gameplay purist, you could give me a game...
  11. nonsiccus

    Is Warlords of Draenor worth buying at full price?

    I was a Shadow Priest main since I started raiding, off spec Disc. I loved the whole DoT mechanic and would pride myself on out dpsing Mages and Locks in a lot of single target fights. My claim to fame was sitting in World of Logs world Shadow Priest top 10 DPS during the first weeks of...
  12. nonsiccus

    Games You Are Bad At

    Haha go try SuperHexagon or Super Meat Boy. I'm fairly certain there are many flash clones online that you can try - they're nigh impossible. Super Meat Boy is a bit better, but Hexagon is just... madness. Pure, musical, madness.
  13. nonsiccus

    What game has the most realistic AI?

    I had the best and worst experiences with the AI in Insurgency. On the hardest difficulty, they literally see you from across the map and start nailing you without any effort whatsoever with just about ANY weapon. It was outrageously unrealistic. That being said, a few steps down in difficulty...
  14. nonsiccus


    I think this sums it up pretty nicely:
  15. nonsiccus

    What game has the most realistic AI?

    In what game have you encountered the most realistic AI that has suspended your disbelief and made you think that there might actually be someone playing on the other end? I found that the AI in Starcraft 2 to be pretty impressive in terms of how they respond and act in general. I've played a...
  16. nonsiccus

    Games You Are Bad At

    Oh I'm so guilty of the sports games too. I had completely forgotten that's even a genre of games simply because I've always avoided them, being so bad at them. There's just an impatience I have where I can't spend the requisite amount of time to set up plays to be successful in those games...
  17. nonsiccus

    Do you like single player or multi player content better?

    Like I mentioned previously, there's no substitute for the variability of human interaction. While a lot of people react in similar ways, being able to adapt on the fly to a situation is what makes a human opponent so much more volatile and engaging compared to AI. Even the best AI out there...
  18. nonsiccus

    Is Warlords of Draenor worth buying at full price?

    Oh I know, I can't avoid the powergaming mentality though. Whenever I play a new game that I end up liking a lot (currently League of Legends), I spend far too much time learning all the subtle intricacies so that I can improve as quickly as possible. It's the whole WoW min-maxing mentality...
  19. nonsiccus

    RAM cards?

    You're definitely correct about not needing more. 8 GB is perfectly sufficient for the vast majority of people out there, even if you're doing more intensive things like Photoshop or whatnot. Tabs definitely can add up, but you'd have to be running literally hundreds of tabs to be getting...
  20. nonsiccus

    Is Warlords of Draenor worth buying at full price?

    Oh man, the initial leveling rush after an expansion drop is crazy. It's frustrating but also really fun at the same time because there's so much world PVP going on when both sides start fighting over quest mobs. Then there's that one guy who's on the same quests as you and you keep running in...