Search results

  1. smartdude966

    Have you ever pirated a PC game?

    I pirated games and I still do. I don't do it to avoid paying for them, it is just I am a teen and I don't have a job yet so I can't pay for games. If I had the money I would quit pirating altogether. There are perks to buying a game because you don't have to worry about malware, you can play...
  2. smartdude966

    Older Gamers

    Older gamers can play whatever they want and it doesn't matter what age they are. As long as we can help each other I'm fine with whom ever I am playing with. I just don't like young gamers that haven't reached puberty yet. They can compromise your team and they always are whining. Granted some...
  3. smartdude966

    Are you liking there fact that most of the Japanese games are coming to PC?

    I guess since console games are not popular in japan and pc games are then I think it was a good idea. The reason why they are just now starting to make japanese pc games is because they know that the pc community is growing and that means it will be worth their time to make the pc version.
  4. smartdude966

    Borderlands The PreSequel

    I wanted this Borderlands to be my first one I ever played and now I'm having second thoughts. I probably will still get it to see how I like it for myself.
  5. smartdude966

    More Upgrades on the way

    Keep us updated with the new changes.
  6. smartdude966

    How much time do you spend on internet?

    I spend at least 3 hours on the internet a day. I think my peak time on the internet was 10 or 11 hours. I work online so I don't just be on the internet for frivolous things.
  7. smartdude966

    RAM cards?

    8 gb of ram is good for right now but you should upgrade if you want your pc to last. I would go for 12 gigs, but if your budget allows you, go for 16 gigs of ram.
  8. smartdude966

    Are you planning to buy The Crew on PC?

    I'll be getting the crew when it comes out so I can see how it is. The people that got the beta are not giving it that good of reviews. So I 'll see for myself if it is right for me. When I feel that way about a game I get it on disc because if I don't like it I can sell it.
  9. smartdude966

    How to avoid Scamming In Game

    You can add don't accept offers that are too good to be true.
  10. smartdude966

    Will Halo ever come to PC?

    Halo is already on PC, windows is one of their platforms. Halo is also available on windows phone. Basically anything that can run windows can play halo.
  11. smartdude966

    What upcoming games are you interested in?

    I really can't wait for the crew, the open map to explore with your friends. The ability to fully customize your vehicle to your liking. I will be able to visit one of the major cities in the game that I live in, in real life. Far Cry 4 is also on my list along with gta 5 for pc. Such an...
  12. smartdude966

    Will most newer games require 6 GB of ram at least?

    The ram requirements have to go up with the games nowadays. You know you could keep one of your 2gb sticks and sell the other 2gb stick to buy a 4gb stick. That way you can have 6gb of ram because 2gb + 4gb = 6gb.
  13. smartdude966

    Anyone excited for GTA V PC?

    I've already experienced the game on console so really I am only interested in the mods. I will still get it so I can see the graphical increase.
  14. smartdude966

    Have Games taught you anything?

    Physics building games teach me about structural engineering. An example would be a game like bridge constructor or World of Goo. You have to strategically place items to make the structure work. I also know how to race in go karts better because i play racing games.
  15. smartdude966

    Game genres

    I love driving/simulation games so much. If I could only play one genre it would be that. My second favorite would be Minecraft but I don't know what genre that would go in. I love to exercise my building ability on minecraft to see what I can come up with.
  16. smartdude966

    Games that make you want to smash your phone

    A game that makes me want to throw my phone is Smash Hit. The game is fun and addictive except for when you lose. The game is designed for you to go as far as possible and when you 'run out of balls' the game is over and they make you start from the beginning. The only way to resume from where...
  17. smartdude966

    One vs 360

    One reason is the gorgeous next generation graphics. Another reason is controller and the rumble triggers feel so realistic. The user interface is smooth and has many features that blow the 360 out of the water. Even still the graphics alone will make you think that the 360 graphics are crap.
  18. smartdude966

    The future of gaming

    The VR headset will add a more immersive experience in the game but I'll have to try it out before I buy it. I will really be surprised when a technology comes out that actually beams you into the game. With that you can walk around like it is real life. Maybe that is too far fetched because...
  19. smartdude966

    Any other Hardcore PC gamers out there?

    I agree because I am not going to break my back just to get a high end pc and not be able to afford anything else. Most low end PCs still perform good and can run most games fine.
  20. smartdude966

    How often do you upgrade your system?

    I upgrade when my computer cannot play games at even medium or low settings. Other times I upgrade when I have the funds too. But with my current method I have to upgrade frequently to keep up with the times. So I am going to save a lot of money for a very powerful system that will last for years.