Search results

  1. Shortie

    How do you handle toxic players in online games?

    Gaming for the most part can be chill and fun but if you have played online games over the years, you will know that you can come across toxic players, some of which can be more toxic than others. I have had my fair share of dealing with toxic gamers online and I have found that ignoring them...
  2. Shortie

    How do you deal with gaming burnout?

    Gaming burnout is not something that is talked about a lot but it is very real, I have gone through gaming burnout myself a few times and it varies on how long it takes before I feel like jumping back into gaming again. How do you deal with gaming burnout when it hits? Do you have any tips for...
  3. Shortie

    What's your favourite game of all time and why?

    Most of us have been gamers for many years and despite playing many games, we will always have that one game that holds a special place in our hearts and that we can call our favourite game of all time. Mine would have to be Yoshi's Island. I always remember playing this game so much I and my...
  4. Shortie

    What game do you plan on buying for the Nintendo Switch next?

    I wouldn't say that I buy a lot of games for the Nintendo Switch as I prefer to use the console for Nintendo-exclusive games and any games I feel would be better on the Nintendo Switch. At the moment, I haven't looked into the next game I will be buying for the Nintendo Switch, usually, it...
  5. Shortie

    Are you happy with the battery life on the Nintendo Switch?

    It is not very often that I use the Nintendo Switch as a handheld console but I have used it in that way a few times and from the time I have spent using the console on the battery, I would say that the battery life if pretty good and I haven't had any issues with it. What are your thoughts on...
  6. Shortie

    What is your favourite Nintendo Switch game currently?

    With so many games to play on the Nintendo Switch, we all will have that one favourite game that we love to play whenever we get the chance or maybe we have been hooked on the game for a while and can't pull ourselves away from it. For me, one of my favourite games and still currently my...
  7. Shortie

    Do you own a Nintendo Switch Lite?

    A Nintendo Switch Lite is a console I have been toying with for a while, and my daughter recently mentioned how she would love to get one for herself but the worry has been, what if the controller gets stick drift? It can't really be replaced like with the Nintendo Switch. Do you own a...
  8. Shortie

    What is your least favourite mobile game?

    There are so many mobile games available, some of which are great and others that are not so good and we would rather avoid. As someone who plays mobile games quite frequently, what would you say is your least favourite mobile game that you have played? What made it a bad experience for you?
  9. Shortie

    Does playing mobile games drain your battery fast?

    I find that when I play mobile games daily my battery tends to drain a lot faster compared to when I don't play games on my phone for a day. I understand that the battery will drain faster but it seems to drain quite a bit faster, not sure if it is because it is quite an old phone now. Does...
  10. Shortie

    Do you use any apps to play games and earn money?

    I have heard so much about people who use apps on their phones to play games and earn money, I remember back last year I used one and that was how I found out about Monopoly Go and I earned £50 from playing Monopoly Go and reaching a certain level alone. I can't remember the name of the app for...
  11. Shortie

    Have you played Monopoly Go on your mobile?

    Monopoly Go is a game I started playing on my mobile phone around November of 2023 and I have been playing the game consistently and learning so much about it over the past nearly a year. The events that take place and the game as a whole are just enjoyable to play. Do you play Monopoly Go?
  12. Shortie

    If you could create a game, what kind of game would it be?

    I have always wanted to create my own game and as much as I have had ideas to create my own game, I haven't been able to jump in and see if I could actually do that. I feel as a gamer myself I see so much in games that I would love to change or I have ideas that I would love to see brought...
  13. Shortie

    Are you still waiting to play Hogwarts Legacy?

    Hogwarts Legacy has been released now for over a year but it was only in the last few months I was able to finally pick the game up in a sale and add it to my game collection on Xbox. I have yet to play the game and hoping for some time soon to be able to play the game but I am very much...
  14. Shortie

    Do you still play Overwatch 2?

    Overwatch 2 went free-to-play around two years ago now and as much as it has suffered its issues and criticism, it seems that the player base has started to grow again and it is once again a game that many not only play but also enjoy watching too. I have not played Overwatch 2 in a while but...
  15. Shortie

    Did anyone play Yoshi's Island?

    Yoshi's Island was one of my favourite games that I played a lot when I was a kid. I always remember me and my brothers would play the game after school each night and even my mum would join in with us, we made so many memories on that game. Did you ever play Yoshi's Island?
  16. Shortie

    Did you play Alex the Kidd?

    Alex the Kidd was a game I always remember playing with my brothers and also my cousin. I remember it was a game that was installed into the Sega Master System. I always remember spending a chunk of time playing with my cousin and he would even go out of his way to find solutions for us to pass...
  17. Shortie

    What are you hoping to see in the Nintendo Switch 2 if we get a new console?

    The Nintendo Switch has been out now since 2017 and we are very much close to knowing if Nintendo will be releasing a Nintendo Switch 2. If Nintendo does announce the Nintendo Switch 2, what would you like to see in the new console?
  18. Shortie

    Does anyone still need to pick up the Xbox Series S or X?

    The Xbox Series S and X have been out now for almost 4 years, crazy to think how fast time has flown. Even though most have the new generation consoles, some people are still left behind and have yet to upgrade to the latest console. I at the moment have not been able to upgrade to the...
  19. Shortie

    Will you be checking out The Final Shape on Destiny 2?

    The 4th of June saw The Final Shape released on Destiny 2 and anyone who is a Destiny 2 fan, will more than likely have been excited for this release. I have been a Destiny fan since 2014 but will admit, that I have not played Destiny 2 in a while. I jumped back on the other day and I have so...
  20. Shortie

    Have you played Blade Ball on Roblox?

    The other day my daughter found a new game that she has started playing and she is enjoying called Blade Ball. I checked it out today myself and will admit, it is a lot of fun to play and could be a game you could get addicted to. Have you checked out Blade Ball on Roblox?