Toughest bosses

Sin in FFX. Specifically the battle where there was a finite amount of turns before he just went and blew up the world. That took me so long to beat it isn't even funny.
I would have to say Sin in Final Fantasy X too and the following battle after that because i had leved up and maxed out my aeons and i had to face them one by one and it took me a very long time to beat. Also i would have to say the boss battles in Ninja Gaiden because those are really tough.
The Ares, Endless Kratos clones, Ares combo Boss at the end of God of War wasn't as tough as it was tedious and frustrating, but I think it still applies for this catergory. How about the 16th colossus in Shadow of the Colossus? Again, he was a bit of a pushover once you figure out how to change from hand to shoulder and so on, but that process sucked and generated and endless stream of profanities. Then getting the idiot to hold still while you stab him in the head, some guys just never learn.
Yeah, Omega Weapon was a bitch. I refused to refine my cards because TRIPLE TRIAD IS AWESOME, and I didn't have the Lionheart. In retrospect, I don't know how I pulled it off...
We all know this. If you had the balls to even try to play Ninja Gaiden - Alma kicked your ass each and every way she could, From sun up to sun down.

I liked the Metal Gear ray fight is MGS2, Shredder from Turtles in Time. Ganondorf form ocarina of Time was clasic. And Ansem for Kingdom Hearts 1.

But KH 2 was easy the boss battles were lame to me. Not tough but annoying.
ayame blackburn from killer 7 took me forever.
and those worms from ninja gaiden piss me off.
shin akuma from capcom vs snk 2.
dizzy from the first guilty gear x game.
the final boss from the original virtua on
uranus from battle arena toshindin 2.
Hmm theres also Melbu Frahma from Legend of Dragoon. Some of you probably never heard of that game...

And you cant forget the last boss in Jet Force Gemini.
Wow, I'm surprised I haven't seen a Breath of Fire game on here yet.

I sold Breath of Fire II (GBA) without finishing it. I had already clocked in tons of hours on the game, gotten the best armor, and my characters still weren't good enough. It was among the first RPGs I played, and I've never really like BoF since XD (Although I'm playing Bof III for the PS1 now and finding it more enjoyable. Yay for Garr and Peco!)
Dead Fish The DEAD FISH WHY WHY WERE THEY IN THE GAME., ( Ninja Gaigen )
The Boss on Contra Hard Corps
The Three Faries from Tales of Symponia
thunderking85 said:
The Three Faries from Tales of Symponia

Really??? I hardly remember even fighting them, which means they caused no problem for me. Maybe you're characters were severely underleveled or you somehow arrived there too early... yeah the Three Fairies, aka the Sylphs (Fairess/Yutis/Sephie) were not difficult, especially compared to those one-on-one battles with the main character villains.
thunderking85 said:
Dead Fish The DEAD FISH WHY WHY WERE THEY IN THE GAME., ( Ninja Gaigen )

Yea I agree with the dead fish. Why WHY. who ever thought of that idea should be shot. That was not fair. of my 20 years of life and 17 of games that was the most........wait...........THAT WAS THE MOST FUSTRATING ANNOYING PISSING ME OFF THING I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. NOTHING WILL EVER TOP THAT. IT THEY APPER IN 2 I WILL REPAT WILL SHOT SOMEONE.