Written By: Travis Johnson
Free upgrades are now available for gamers who have purchased GripShift for the PS3. A recent press release has issued some of the key details featured in the dupgrades. "Additional improvements are being made around the leaderboards making the accomplishment of getting high scores more rewarding."
Faster Load Times: Players now experience faster load times between levels.
Leaderboards: Now accessible without having to first complete the level for which the player wishes to view the leaderboard. Also, leaderboards are expanded to include the ability to browse all entries, and now include "car type" and number of resets with entries.
Other Feature Enhancements Include:
-Ability to change the vehicle without exiting a game session.
-Ability to change controls from the in-game pause menu.
-Ability to change current the music track from the in-game pause menu.
-Access to the full "Level Select" menu from the in-game pause menu.
-Players can now jump to the top or bottom of a leaderboard even if they aren’t ranked on that board.
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