This month marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Nintendo's popular Game Boy console. The original Game Boy, released in 1989, featured an 8-bit CPU and could play games in 4 color grayscale, which, due to the system's distinctively tinted screen, appeared green to the gamer. Several updates and modifications to the portable console have been made over the years, including 1995's "Play It Loud!" line of multicolored Game Boys, 1996's Game Boy Pocket, and the Game Boy Color in 1998. The system continued with the next-generation Game Boy Advance in 2001, which was followed by the slightly modified Game Boy Advance SP and Game Boy Micro in 2003 and 2005, respectively. Today, Nintendo continues its presence in the portable console market with the Nintendo DS and DSi, but original Game Boy successes such as Tetris and the first generation Pokemon games have left an impact both on handheld gaming and popular culture as a whole. Let’s all take a moment to reflect.
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