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Games released this week: 3/24/08


I don’t really know what has gotten into video game publishers, but they have clearly decided to release games during a week that doesn’t fall into the fourth quarter of the year.  Don’t ask me why they made this choice but I guess that we are all going to have to live with playing games all year long from now on.

360: Dark Sector, Universe at War: Earth Assault, Viking: Battle for Asgard

PS3: Dark Sector, Viking: Battle for Asgard

PC: Agressions – Reign Over Europe, Australia Zoo Quest, Belief and Betrayal, Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, Obscure: The Aftermath, Warriors Orochi

Wii: Emergency Mayhem, MiniCopter Adventure Flight, Obscure: The Aftermath, Otomania, Opoona, Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk, Summer Sports: Paradise Island

PS2: Naruto: Ultimate Ninja 3, Obscure: The Aftermath

PSP: Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Warriors Orochi

DS: Harvest Moon DS Cute, Mazes of Fate, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, Plushees

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