Guildcafe Entertainment, Inc, a site devoted to giving gamers a place where they can interact and network with each other online, has created a new present for gamers to toy around with. The title for this product has been dubbed [i]PlayerVox[/i] which is an online magazine that will be edited by various experts in the mores of online gaming and that will be molded to of the interests of the [i]GuildCafe[/i] network. The purpose of this periodical is to give gamers a chance to show discusses what interests them and vote for their own ideas as to what course the magazine should take. On staff editors will observe the comments left by the GuildCafe members who visit the site and use this information to pick which target areas the magazine should focus on. The magazine also features outside contributers among who are listed the Hugo Award winning sci fi author, Charlie Stross, who is the author of the soon to be published novel [i]Halting State[/i] and who has stated his views of the path of the online gaming genre as a whole. In addition interviews with well know Guild heads, such as Dragons from The Syndicate, to talk about their own experiences and voice their own opinions. For more information about PlayerVox please visit the official site at
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