Halo Master Chief Collection Officially Announced

During Microsoft’s E3 presentation today, the Halo: Master Chief Collection was announced for the Xbox One. It will be released on Nov 11th, the 10 year anniversary of Halo 2, and will retail for $60.

All Master Chief based Halo games will be included: Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo 4 along with all corresponding DLC. This single disc is also your ticket for the Halo 5 beta which is currently set to launch sometime before the end of the year. Halo 3: ODST and Halo Reach are not included; 343 stated they wanted to focus on the Master Chief story and to ensure there is enough room on a single disc to contain all these games.

Similar to the enhanced remark of Halo Anniversary, there will be an option to instantly switch between old and new graphics, the beloved multiplayer mode with included exploits will remain intact, cut scenes will be updated, all games will run at 60 frames per second at 1080p and will feature a total of 4000 Achievement points, 1000 for each title. Halo Waypoint will also be tied in as well as a feature to play any level from any game with any difficulty right from the main menu.

Halo: Master Chief Collection is basically Microsoft’s way of saying “here, play all these games with a new coat of paint while we work on Halo 5.”

Who knows, there might even be a Halo Master Chief limited Xbox One bundle too. Details about Kinect integration have yet to be announced too.

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