Hamster Releases More Old Games on New Gen Systems

HAMSTER announced that from March 29th, 2018, ACA NEOGEO SENGOKU 3 will be available digitally for ACA NEOGEO, the downloadable series by HAMSTER for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


Title                    ACA NEOGEO SENGOKU 3
Platform             Nintendo Switch  /  PlayStation 4 / Xbox One
Price                   $7.99
Release Date     March 29th, 2018


HAMSTER announced that from March 30th, 2018, Arcade Archives PUNCH-OUT!! will be available digitally for Arcade Archives, the downloadable series by HAMSTER for Nintendo Switch.

Punch Out arcade1

“PUNCH-OUT!!” is a sports-action game released by Nintendo in 1984. Watch your opponents’ expressions and moves as you use a variety of punches and defensive moves on your path to become the boxing champion. The game became extremely popular with the double monitor setup, introducing intense boxing with dynamic graphics.

Title                    Arcade Archives PUNCH-OUT!!
Platform             Nintendo Switch
Price                   $7.99
Release Date     March 30th, 2018


HAMSTER announces that from April 5th, 2018, ACA NEOGEO THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’99 will be available digitally for ACA NEOGEO, the downloadable series by HAMSTER for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.


“THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’99” is a fighting game released by SNK in 1999. This entry in this series marks the beginning of the “NESTS” chapter of the KOF story, and focuses on the new protagonist K’ instead of Kyo Kusanagi. This entry introduces a new Striker Match mode, adding an even more strategic element to the classic KOF game system.

Title                    ACA NEOGEO THE KING OF FIGHTERS ’99
Platform             PlayStation 4 / Xbox One
Price                  PlayStation 4: $7.99 / Xbox One: $7.99
Release Date      April 5th, 2018


HAMSTER” announces that from April 5th, 2018, ACA NEOGEO SAMURAI SHODOWN III will be available digitally for ACA NEOGEO, the downloadable series by HAMSTER for Nintendo Switch.


“SAMURAI SHODOWN III” is a fighting game released by SNK in 1995. It is a sequel to SAMURAI SHODOWN II. You can now fill your Rage Gauge, as well as block attacks mid-air. Player characters now have 2 styles to choose from: SLASH and BUST. The ways of battle have greatly expanded.

Title                    ACA NEOGEO SAMURAI SHODOWN III
Platform             Nintendo Switch
Price                   $7.99
Release Date     April 5th, 2018

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