With the newest Indiana Jones movie slated to hit theaters on May 22, 2008, LucasArts is set to make video games based on the popular franchise. The new Indiana Jones video games will allow players to “live” all-new Indy adventures.
“It’s been 19 years since the last film and we are sensing a huge pent-up demand for everything Indy,” said Howard Roffman, President of Lucas Licensing.
“The people who grew up with Indiana Jones have become today’s parents,” Roffman continued. “If our experience with Star Wars is any guide, we think they’ll want to introduce their kids to Indy and share this great new adventure together.”
Starring Harrison Ford, Shia LaBeouf, Cate Blanchett, Ray Winstone and John Hurt, the new Indiana Jones adventure begins production this month.
The movie is a Lucasfilm Ltd. production, directed by Steven Spielberg and distributed by Paramount Pictures. Frank Marshall returns as producer with George Lucas and Kathleen Kennedy as executive producers. The movie follows the wildly successful Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom in 1984, and Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade in 1989.
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