With the rapidly growing interest in Shonen Jump, a monthly Manga magazine that’s insanely popular in Japan, related game titles were all but inevitable. While published games already exist for some of the individual series, like Yu-Gi-Oh! and Dragon Ball Z, Jump Superstars offers a combination of characters from numerous Shonen Jump Manga. However, this particular title doesn’t seem as though it’s going to be a common, by the numbers, licensed game – Nintendo and Jump are working hand-in-hand on this one.
Firstly, let’s address the most important concern for the many Manga fanboys out there: the characters. Well, unfortunately, very few were in attendance for the demo version (according to a recent IGN article); only Monkey Luffy (One Piece), Uzumaki Naruto (Naruto), Bo-Bobo (Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo) and Goku (Dragon Ball Z) were available. However, photos from the Jump Festival show other characters (like Rock Lee from Naruto) posing with the game’s logo along with the four known characters, which would indicate that they’ll be playable, too.
Gameplay should to be similar to Super Smash Bros. Melee (SSBM), insofar as it’s a four player fighting game set in levels riddled with platforms of varying heights. The
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