Liberator TD mixes tower defense with top-down shooting – trailer here

Publisher WhisperGames, together with Russia developer Okay Studio, announced the release date for Liberator TD is September 18th, 2024, on PC Steam (prices). Capturing the atmosphere of movies and other iconic imagery from the 90s, many references are made from this era as the visual style of the game was chosen to reflect the spirit of those times.

Liberator TD is an exciting and glorious mix of tower defense and top-down shooter genres set in a sci-fi world. Tasked with the mission to establish a new colony on a distant planet, you will find yourself in grave danger from the local wildlife. Ceaseless action, together with an atmospheric, ever-changing setting, presents an ongoing challenge that will ensure gamers are captivated from the moment the game loads!

The primary goal for players is to survive on a dangerous planet where the fauna is intent on destroying the protagonist and his structures. But that’s not all! An important task is to figure out what’s really going on. Perhaps things aren’t what they seem, and you’ll have to put your thinking cap on to understand the truth.

The player will have eight types of turrets at their disposal, each with unique appearances, ranges, firing rates, attack types, and damage methods. Almost every turret serves a specific purpose, but the player can only take up to four into battle. Turrets can also be upgraded, requiring players to manage resources wisely.

The second gameplay element is the top-down shooter aspect. Players must not only engage in strategic planning but also tackle tactical and micromanagement challenges. They will need to monitor ammunition, turret and base durability, and, of course, try not to die themselves. There are eight types of weapons, two of which can be taken on a mission. Weapons and turrets differ in their characteristics, making it crucial to choose the right loadout, especially on higher difficulty levels. The choice of armor is also important, as each suit grants the hero an active ability that can significantly aid in battle.

The protagonist has the ability not only to personally deal with threats, for example, using a laser knife but also to construct defensive structures. As the game progresses, expanding  his arsenal of weapons and buildings and unlocking new abilities through equipment and upgrades is the route to success.. Also acquiring  the ability to dash forward, become invisible, or activate an energy shield are some cool extras!

Best described and characterized as biological beings, they gradually acquire mechanical and electrical enhancements as the story progresses, becoming increasingly cybernetic. A giant spider boss, along with an enormous spider queen that literally spawns new enemies and is nearly invincible thanks to advanced technologies.

The variety of enemies in the game is vast. In addition to the usual TD enemy differences, such as flying capabilities or different armor types, some enemies possess unique abilities. Some hunt exclusively for the player, others create underground tunnels to appear in unexpected locations, and some sacrifice themselves to destroy the protagonist. Enemy behavior can also vary by location – in some places, they will follow strict paths, while in others, they will seek the shortest route to the hero’s base. The player’s task often involves building structures to block paths and create the most effective routes for the enemies.

Music and Sound FX  in the game fully conveys an atmosphere and was composed specifically for it. It’s mainly a dynamic soundtrack, a mix of various rock and electronic genres, with nods to the 90s.

Liberator TD  main storyline will take on average about 10 hours to complete, but that’s not the end of the game. After finishing the storyline, players will face new challenges offered by Liberator TD, such as earning achievements, unlocking all equipment, completing missions on different difficulty levels, and tackling random missions that occasionally appear on the global map.

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