Maelstrom takes place on a devastated future Earth where, in the wake of an apocalyptic ecological disaster, the planet is threatened by an alien invasion. In this savaged world, water has become the most valuable of resources and divided the remaining humans into two factions. Now, they must wage war against the invaders and each other in a desperate struggle for supremacy and survival.
The game's three playable factions are made up of the human race divided – the urban freedom fighting ‘Remnants' and the technologically advanced ‘Ascension', plus the alien race, the Hai-Genti. These are superbly different factions, both in terms of theme and play strategy:
- Command your troops from the classic RTS vantage point and play out your ultimate strategies…
- …then take control as you get in close and annihilate your enemies with direct control of the action, from a close up 3rd-person perspective.
- Terraform the landscape to alter play real-time and transform units on the fly, adapting them to deal with the situation with over 80 upgrade options.
- Three very different factions in terms of theme and play strategy.
- Control conventional weapons, futuristic high tech weapons and living weapons.
- Fully dynamic water, deformable terrain systems and destructible environments.
- Incredible visuals and fully bump-mapped high poly models.
- A multitude of unit options, get the most out of your army and tactics.
- Blockbuster sci-fi scenario devised by screenwriter James Swallow.
- Six-player multiplayer with full online matchmaking and ranking systems.
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