Mastiff Acquires License for Major League Eating

Video game publisher Mastiff announced today that they have acquired the Major League Eating (MLE) license for interactive platforms.

Major League Eating, which oversees all top eating events in the nation including the July Fourth hot dog-eating contest, counts among its members Takeru Kobayashi, the Japanese eating phenomenon, and American Joey Chestnut, current champion of the world.

"Major League Eaters aren't just elite athletes," says Bill Swartz, Head Woof at Mastiff. "They are the people who built America. Or at least the competitive eating part of America. And I am deeply honored that the International Federation of Competitive Eating and Major League Eating choose Mastiff as their exclusive videogame partner."

"We knew this sport would lend itself very well to an interactive format," said George Shea of Major League Eating. "Mastiff has the stomach and the sense of humor to pull this off."

Major League Eating: The Game features the world's greatest gurgitory athletes competing across twelve different food types. Built much like a fighting game, MLE: The Game requires players to show brilliant on-screen eating; a mastery of offensive and defensive weapons including burps, belches, and mustard gas; and of course the technical mastery necessary to avoid emptying one's stomach in a vividly colored reversal of fortune.

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