Let me start by saying that Magic Pengel is a very unique title. There?fs really nothing else like it on the market, but unfortunately the game?fs unique premise can only carry it so far before the game?fs glaring flaws are made known.
The graphics of Magic Pengel are very vibrant, with bright colors and a semi-cel shaded look to it. The characters have a definite anime look to them, and the doodles you draw can actually look pretty good depending on your drawing skill. The town in which you inhabit is very well done, with small details like blowing blades of grass being very prevalent throughout.
The story of Magic Pengel revolves around magical creatures called pengels and the special people (called doodlers) that use them. Pengels can draw doodles, which come to life to fight for the doodler. It?fs very reminiscent of Pokemon, but with a nice twist. Your character, an anonymous doodler, runs into a young girl named Zoe and her little brother, Taro. The three of you embark on an adventure to try and stop an evil kingdom that is trying to control all the doodles. The story certainly isn?ft anything revolutionary, but it gets the point across. Combat in Magic Pengel is basically a game of rock paper scissors, with your choices being either to attack, block, cast magic, or charge. Block reflects magic, attack beats block, and charge heals you a bit and makes your next attack more powerful. You can only use one action for one turn, and then the next turn your previous choice cannot be used. This leads to the first real failing of Magic Pengel, and that is that combat just adds up to luck. There?fs not much skill involved at all, and even with a big lead on your opponents you can still lose from not guessing what your opponent will do. As far as creating doodles goes, it?fs probably the most entertaining part of the game. As you win more fights, you get more ink to work with, and more colors to use. You also win the ability to add new parts, like arms, legs, tails, wings, and so on. Adding these parts to your doodle unlocks new fighting techniques and new magic to use in combat.
The sound in Magic Pengel is nothing really notable; the only real mention being that the voice acting in the game can be very good at times, and at others, downright horrible.
Honestly, I can?ft see any reason to go through this game a second time. The only thing that will draw you back for more is drawing different doodles and seeing them in action, but even that tires after a while.
As it stands, Magic Pengel is a rental at best, mostly because of the lackluster combat and the short story. That?fs not to say that you can?ft enjoy Magic Pengel, it?fs just that its enjoyment fades quickly.
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