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Microsoft’s Deals of The Week Highlight Destiny, Saints Row and GoW

Xbox Livedeal of the week

If you have an Xbox Live Gold membership, these discounts will be available through May 18th.

Xbox One:

Content Title Content Type Discount %
Saints Row IV: Re-elected Xbox One Game 25%
Saints Row IV: Re-elected & Gat out of Hell Xbox One Game 33%
Saints Row Gat out of Hell Xbox One Game 33%
Destiny Digital Guardian Edition Xbox One Game 33%
Destiny* Xbox One Game 50%


Xbox 360:

Content Title Content Type Discount %
Saints Row: Gat out of Hell Games On Demand 33%
Saints Row IV Games On Demand 67%
Saints Row: The Third Games On Demand 67%
Destiny Games On Demand 50%
Gears Judgment Lost Relics DLC Pack Add-On 67%
Gears Judgment Call to Arms DLC Pack Add-On 60%
Gears Judgment Total Skin Pack Add-On 60%
Gears Judgment Epic Weapon Skin Pack Add-On 50%
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