Monster Hunter Tri Takes Full Advantage of Wii

Capcom Entertainment announced big plans for its upcoming game Monster Hunter Tri at the Nintendo Media Summit in San Francisco. 


Capcom revealed that the Wii exclusive would be shipping to retail stores on April 20, 2010 along with the launch of the new Classic Controller Pro.  Limited quantities of Monster Hunter Tri will be bundled in with the new controller for a suggested retail price of $59.99.  The standalone game will be released with a suggested retail price of $49.99. 


Along with the exciting news of the ship date, Capcom and Nintendo revealed its online plans for the North American fans by offering online play at no cost. Gamers also now have options for how they want to communicate as they develop tactics and strategies for hunting majestic monsters, either by text based chat or Wii Speak, Nintendo’s hands free microphone.

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