More FFXI Expansion Details - Video Game News & Reviews

More FFXI Expansion Details

Square-Enix has released more details on the Treasures of Aht Urhgan expansion pack for Final Fantasy XI:
(Taken from [a]http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/ahturhgan/index.html?2[aa]playonline.com/ff11us/ahturhgan/index.html?2[/a]
New NPCs-

Nashmeira II (Female, race unknown) – Empress of Aht Urhgan, 16th ruler of the Majaab Dynasty.
Nashmeira proclaims herself to be the Empire–the very embodiment of the nation.
She is rarely seen in public; however, her militaristic statements are the cause of much concern for Aht Urhgan’s neighboring countries.
Ignoring the views of her advisors, Nashmeira has recently ordered a large-scale recruitment of mercenaries to deal with the barbaric races inhabiting the lands that surround the Imperial capital.

Grand Vizier Razfahd (Male, Hume)- Razfahd is the young vizier who heads the Aht Urhgan government and carries out the will of the Empress. He is currently burdened with solving the domestic and external matters of the Empire. Razfahd’s military skill often places him at the forefront of battle, where he commands the Imperial Guard, “The Immortals.”

Naja Salaheem (Female, Mithra)- President of the mercenary company “Salaheem’s Sentinels,” Naja Salaheem has a quick eye for profit and gives constant attention to her company’s earnings. “Gil makes the world go ’round” is her motto.

New Enemy-

Qiqirn- These diminutive beastmen reside together with the civilized races of Vana’diel. Most Qiqirn make their home in a city located in the heart of the Aht Urhgan Empire’s western half. They tend to have an easygoing and cheerful personality, but have difficulty speaking the common language due to their unusual vocal cords. Even so, it is not uncommon to hire a Qiqirn as a shop or guild assistant, thanks to their reliability and surprisingly quick wits. Some Qiqirn have even made use of their sharp sense of smell to become extremely wealthy in the production of fragrances. According to their oral tradition, the ancestors of the Qiqirn lived a nomadic life in the northern lands. Even today, remnants of the Qiqirn’s ancient lifestyle may be seen in their unique customs, such as their sheep-led wagon homes, their leather clothing, and their habit of carrying their valuables with them at all times.

New Combat Event-

Assault- “Assault” means to make a sudden attack on a fortified area. Your goal in Assault is to fight through an enemy stronghold with a small, elite unit of mercenaries.
In order to participate, you must first go to the Commissions Agency, where you can view a list of available tasks. Choose any task that interests you, and gather the number of people necessary to finish the operation. Then, enter the enemy’s stronghold and complete your tasks.
If you manage to complete the Assault and make it back alive, the Empire of Aht Urhgan will reward you with fame and an appropriate reward.
Assault can only be undertaken by small, select groups. In exchange, the Imperial Army will evacuate any non-participants so that you can fully concentrate on the operation. On the other hand, no one will be around to help if you find yourself in trouble, so you must always be on guard.

New Areas-

Aydeewa Subterrane- This extensive network of tunnels lying beneath the Wajaom Woodlands is covered in subterranean plants, ranging from vines to ferns, fungi, and moss, giving the caverns a unique vibrancy unseen on the surface. The Aydeewa Subterrane was once a site of the ancient Olduum civilization until sinking almost completely into the ocean. However, traces of the past can still be seen in the stone pillars and altars scattered about the area. The Empire of Aht Urhgan maintained the caverns until recently, when the increasing beastman threat forced them to withdraw. Now the Aydeewa Subterrane is plagued with Qiqirn and Mamool Ja thieves looking for treasure among the ruins.

Nashmau- After striking north from the Imperial capital, a perilous voyage across the roiling seas of the Cyan Deep will bring travelers to Azouph Isle. This mist-shrouded island is home to the solitary settlement of Nashmau. Once a supply base for the Imperial navy, it was abandoned after a plague descended upon its population; the Qiqirn have since taken the town as their own. The diminutive beastmen have reopened a section of the port in order to trade with fishermen and other visitors to the Arrapago Islands. To the east of Nashmau lies a stretch of mudlands known as the “Deadmist Marsh.”
[i]-Steven Rondina[/i]

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