Popular Articles


Age of Empires III

Coming Soon! Screens

Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

The Prince of Persia, a seasoned warrior, returns from the Island…
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Civilization IV

With over 6 million units sold and unprecedented critical acclaim from…

Armored Core Formula Front

Agetec delivers the popular Armored Core series to the PSP. In…


Check back soon for more information.


The best board game ever made is moving from its classic…
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Call of Duty 2: Big Red One

“Nothing in Hell must stop the First Division!” Experience the adrenaline…
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Without Warning

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Call of Duty 2: Big Red One

“Nothing in Hell must stop the First Division!” Experience the adrenaline…
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Call of Duty 2: Big Red One

“Nothing in Hell must stop the First Division!” Experience the adrenaline…

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Posponed

Take-Two Interactive, publisher of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, has announced…

The Second Console War: Part 2

Carrying on. Well, now that you know the in-depth story behind…

The Revolution Will Not be Televised…but Will it be Played?

Probably one of the most shocking announcements to come out of…

This Ain’t Freakin’ Everquest!

Last year Snowblind Studios and Sony Online Entertainment scored on the…

PSP Media Manager

A major selling point for the PSP was the ability to…

Run, Gun, and Over the Top

Unfortunately, it is only a matter of time before the GBA…
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The king of WWII shooters returns…

One of the most anticipated WWII inspired games is finally out.…

WOW Expansion Announced at Blizzcon ’05

Blizzard announced an expansion pack for their hit MMORPG World of…

Microsoft?s XBOX 360 Games Get Web Sites

Microsoft Game Studios has officially made public their web site for…

The View from the Vantage Point: Jack Thompson, Lies and Apathy,…

OK, so I know that ragging on Jack Thompson isn

The Button Masher’s Perspective:

I am pleased to report that the long summer drought is…

2K Games to Work on Da Vinci Code Titles

While the best-selling book The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown…
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OO7: From Russia With Love

The recipe is this: take two measures of stealth and driving…
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OO7: From Russia With Love

The recipe is this: take two measures of stealth and driving…
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OO7: From Russia With Love

The recipe is this: take two measures of stealth and driving…

Colossal Hype

Sometimes it feels like there should be a self-help group for…

Colossal Hype.

Sometimes it feels like there should be a self-help group for…

Colossal Hype

Sometimes it feels like there should be a self-help group for…

Introversion Software: “We Screwed Up”

Several months in the making, Introversion Software has launched its second…

Gradius for the PSP

Konami?s classic side scrolling space shooter is coming to the PSP…

Three’s Company

Rockstar Games is about to release the mother of all compilations…

Warriors…Come Out and Pla-ay!

With the success of such games as Grand Theft Auto III,…

Crash! Bang! Boom!

There are many die-hard gamers that are worried about a particular…

MyGamer Hardware Reviews: Icemat Black Siberia Audio and Mouse Pad

Soft Trading is a company with a mission: to create top-end…

BioWare and Pandemic Partner Companies

When hearing about a huge video game company merger now-a-days, most…
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Mario Party 7

The entire Mario
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Guitar Hero
