Mutant Football League Coming to PS4 and Xbox One In January

Indie game developer Digital Dreams Entertainment will release Mutant Football League for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One owners on January 19th, 2018. The bloody-fun, next-gen spiritual successor to the 1993 Sega Genesis classic Mutant League Football.

Football fans and gamers will experience deep strategic 7-on-7 gameplay, bone-crunching and tooth-shattering hits, plus a roster of comical ghouls delivering tongue-through-cheek humor. Oh, and-of course-blood. Lots of blood.
Mutant Football League features legendary voice-over actor Tim Kitzrow; best known for his work in one of the great classic sports games of all time, NBA Jam, with such memorable sound bites as “He’s on fire!” and “Boomshakalaka!” A few MFL refs were bribed to guarantee the commentary of Mutant Football League on PS4 and Xbox One remained as foul-mouthed as the original smash hit PC version. It’s like Conker’s Bad Fur Day for sports fans!  However, don’t worry… there is an option to turn off the expletives in case small children or Republican senators are in the room.
About Mutant Football League

The classic Mutant League Football game, released in 1993 by Electronic Arts for the Sega Genesis, was a #1 bestseller and garnered a loyal cult following for its blend of monsters, mayhem, and good ol’ American-style team sports.

The reborn and modernized Mutant Football League is a 7-on-7 arcade-style, fully 3D sports video game where a variety of gruesome creatures take to the gridiron to battle it out in the most violent game ever played! The hilarious and brutal parody of professional American football will introduce a new generation of gamers to some of the wildest, most bloodthirsty superstar players to ever strap on shoulder spikes.
Support from diehard fans resulted in a successful 2017 Kickstarter campaign to raise funds to complete MFL‘s development. The campaign reached its pledge goal in a mere four days, fortuitously achieving its funding aims on Super Bowl Sunday.
Additional Game Details
  • Mutants, Monsters, and More: Choose from 18 blood-thirsty, wisecracking teams including the Skeletal Deadheads, Armored Bruiserbots, Criminal Aliens, Mutated Humans, and Monstrous Orcs.
  • Gridiron Carnage: Players inflict maximum carnage on the opposition with brass-knuckle punches, steel-toed kicks, hand grenades, clubs, battle axes, chainsaws, and more. Exploding body parts, comically horrific deaths, and blood splatters fuel the MFL visual experience.
  • Down ‘n’ Dirty: Use dirty tricks during gameplay to “Bribe the Ref”, throw bombs, or equip weapons to inflict maximum carnage for real game-changing moments!
  • Full Season Mode and More: Dive into Exhibition, Practice, and Playoff games, or try and survive the Full Season grind to reach the ultimate showdown: The Mayhem Bowl!
  • Killer Stadiums: The 18 unique playfields are filled with diabolical and dangerous traps and hazards – including explosive landmines, buzz saws, toxic moats, lava flows, and crazed fans cheering on their favorite murderous squad.
  • Multiplayer Madness: Two-player online or four-player local multiplayer gives offers the choice to clobber opponents or team up with friends to crush opposing miscreants!

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