Mutant Mudds Super Challenge is hard. Damn hard. Levels are expertly crafted to infuriate both the hardcore and casual gamer in the name of fun. Still, it takes more than simple challenge to round out a SNES-inspired platformer and developer Renegade Kid is well-aware of it; the game world is packed with secrets, collectibles, enemy types, characters, bonus levels, and more – much more. The experience took me back to the same amazement and feeling of discovery I felt when I first played Super Mario World.
You play as Max a retro nerd who, armed with a jetpack and water gun, sets out to clean up an invasion of mutated mudd creatures spawned from a fallen meteorite. There are ghost mudds, flying mudds, cloud mudds, and some absolutely devastating three-phase mudd bosses. The world 1 boss, i.e. B-1, set in a restrictive pit, buds into smallers mudds that roam like gumbas as he takes fire from Max, returning larger with every phase. The ghost boss in world B-4 can only be affected by special, limited water gun pickup; players must collect the temporary upgrade, survive a gambit of smaller ghost mudds while conserving ammo, and finally reach the mudd boss with enough ammo to land a shot on him before they’re sent back to the start of an entirely different gambit. And you have to do this three times! It can feel insurmountable at times, even while you can withstand three hits from enemies. Luckily, players don’t have to worry about collectible lives and are instead treated to a game-long death tally to remind them of their perpetual incompetence.
The different game worlds look fantastic in HD on the PS4, featuring crisp edges and a smooth, high framerate. Worlds are pleasantly varied, featuring distinct color schemes, enemy designs, and terrain that evoke moods and atmosphere to line up with their accompanying challenges. Most areas also include layered environments that have you jumping back and forth from foreground and distant background platforms – I imagine this could look great on the 3DS. The musical accompaniment to each world is also top tier, recalling classic harmonies and modes to represent different worlds but also featuring memorable original melodies.
Our Rating - 8.5
Total Score
A tough as nails modern platformer that’ll have you smashing your controller with a big smile on your face.