The sequel to [i]Naruto: Clash of Ninjas[/i] will be mysteriously appearing on Gamecube's across the United States. Really. Go look. The game will carry the same promises as did a certain well advertised brand of gum..double everything! It will be twice the size, with twice the amount of characters as the first one(23 to be exact), along with new additions to the gameplay like the multiplayer mode which can handle up to four players. For those of you who aren't familiar with this series [i]Naruto: Clash of The Ninjas 2[/i] is based off the anime [i]Naruto[/i] about a young boy named Naruto Uzumaki who is attempting to learn the ways of the ninja with, often, comedic results. Together with his teacher Kakashi and his friends Sakura and Sasuke they undergo hardships and learn valuable moral lessons. Also, if this isn't enough Nartuo themed fun for you all, there will a game titled [i]Naruto: Ninja Council 2[/i] for the GBA coming out on October 10th. Curiously there seems to be no official site in English available, but we here at will keep up apprised of more details as they become available.
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