Neverwinter Pre-Load Download Now Available on Xbox One for Gold Members

Neverwinter, the free-to-play MMORPG based on the Dungeons & Dragons franchise, is now available for pre-loading on Xbox One.

Launching on March 31, Neverwinter on Xbox One brings a full-fledged roleplaying experience with a living social world allowing players to experience Dungeons & Dragons adventures with their friends. Neverwinter on Xbox One will also utilize console features including friends list integration and optimized controls to easily transition the MMORPG experience from PC to console.

Neverwinter is a free-to-play action MMORPG that features fast-paced combat and epic dungeons. Players explore the vast city of Neverwinter and its surrounding countryside, learning the vivid history of the iconic city in the Forgotten Realms and battling its many enemies. Neverwinter is currently available on PC and will be launching digitally for Xbox One, available free-to-play with Gold* on March 31 from the Xbox Games Store.

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