New Soul Hacker Screens

Soul Hackers is almost here – there’s less than a week to go before Amami City and Paradigm X will be hacked by the general public. We wanted to show off the team that will support the main character. The main focus of Soul Hackers is on Nemissa, the demon construct who takes over the main character’s girlfriend, Hitomi. But since it’s unwise to tackle a conspiracy alone, here’s a look at some of the other cast of characters in Soul Hackers:

  • Spooky – Should come as no surprise that a character named Spooky founded the hacker group Spookies. You don’t get to be boss of a hacker group without being good at hacking. Spooky is a true leader and will help during times of crisis.
  • Lunch – You can’t hack Amami City without a good rig, and Lunch is the best there is at building them. His technical expertise and calm demeanor are matched only by his appetite … hence the name.
  • Six – Six manages the other kind of hardware a hacker group needs. His nickname comes from the number of shots his favorite weapon holds.
  • Yu-ichi – Every team needs its FNG, and Yu-ichi is as green as they come. But his lack in skill and common sense are made up by his dedication to the group, even if it means bungling things up from time to time.

Soul Hackers launches April 16.

Soul Hackers is a first-person, dungeon-crawling RPG experience set in a future where technology and otherworldly forces meet in a macabre fusion of cyberpunk and gothic horror. Soul Hackers tells the story of Amami City, a beacon of humanity’s triumph of technology, but with an infernal secret. In this would-be utopia, a group of hackers takes on a centuries-old mystic society, and battles for control over humanity’s fate.

Yes, this is a Japanese game

Yes, this is a Japanese game

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soulhackers_screenshots (4)

soulhackers_screenshots (6)

Pulls inspiration from Jet Grind Radio

Pulls inspiration from Jet Grind Radio

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