Released late last year Phantasy Star Universe has had hints of an expansion since the game came out. Earlier this week the release date of the expansion was finally announced and it ended up being much sooner than was expected.
November 20th will see the release of Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of the Illuminus for the 360, PS2 and PC. The PC and PS2 will see the game released at retail for 40 dollars while the 360 will see the game as downloadable content for 20 dollars. The expansion will feature new armor, weapons, clothing and photon arts as well as a casino that gamers can go and gamble money.
This is all well and good but Phantasy Universe was widely considered to be a critical failure as a follow up to PSO. Many people have said that the expansion is should bridge the gap between the two games and allow devoted fans of the first to return to have even more crazy adventures. As a long term subscriber of the game I am not holding my breath for that to happen.
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