Pixel-art puzzle-platformer Alruna and the Necro-Industrialists now available

Pixel-art puzzle-platformer Alruna and the Necro-Industrialists arrives on the Nintendo Switch on March 5th. In a world ravaged by mechanical greed, forest-nymph Alruna must jump, slide and dash through sprawling subterranean labyrinths to get to the bottom of the story, the very bottom of the world, the very depths of depravity.

“The Switch is great”, says solo-developer Niklas Hallin, “especially in handheld mode. It’s such a perfect way to play pixel-art sidescrollers. I’m always looking for new pixel platformers on the Switch, and Alruna is just such a game! It feels like holding an old Game Boy in your hands.”

Alruna is a dryad in a dying world – a spirit of life in the land of the dead. The earth is sucked dry. There is only The Sprawl. Poor, bedraggled skele-men dot the Wasteland of the Necro-Industrialists and shuffle endlessly back and forth in a toiling mockery of life. But are they the real enemy? Or do the skeletons suffer just as much as the dryads under the domination of the Necro-Industrialists?

Dead men yearn for Heaven. But the dead can only dig …

Will your own journey take you heavenwards, or down, down, down?

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