Police Shootout (XSX) Review

While Games Incubator have been responsible for some decent titles, Police Shootout sadly isn’t one of these. Don’t get me wrong; on paper the game looks to pack a punch with an interesting premise with some equally interesting mechanics. However, actually delving into the game and stepping through that thin veneer of an interesting concept unveils an array of minor irritations that together ruin the overall experience. Yes, Police Shootout does have its saving graces but all in all, the bad sadly outweigh the good.

Police Shootout Review (XSX) | MyGamer

Police Shootout – Gameplay

With its lazy title, “Police Shootout” isn’t even a wholly accurate title and, if anything, they have sold themselves short here. Yes, a lot of the game is centered around both the police and, indeed, shootouts, but this isn’t where the whole police experience ends.

During the eleven missions you will spend in the spit-polished shoes of America’s finest, you’ll have the opportunity to do most of the cool things you would expect to do as in the police; attending domestic disputes, robberies, interrogating suspects and, of course, throwing your heroic self into the firing line with turn-based shootouts.

Police Shootout Review (XSX) | MyGamer

The turn-based element is interesting, although I’m not the biggest of fans of turn-based combat, despite having enjoyed the earlier Games Workshop titles. Fans of games like XCOM, however, will find the lesser–used mechanic to be a breath of fresh air. Police Shootout handles this well by deploying elements such as cover and a retro-darts-games-esque shooting mechanic. Adding a little flair to the vital cover areas, Games Incubator offer cover from four sides and helpfully color code how effective your protection is from all angles.

Interrogation feels all too Linear

I was excited when I first found out that interrogation was a part of the game, but was soon left feeling a little frustrated and bored at the process. Interrogating suspects involves exhausting a plentiful serving of dialogue options, before choosing from an array of cards what your next move was going to be. The options always follow the same pattern, which is little more than using the right cards at the right time. As hopeful I was, it wasn’t long before I realized that I wasn’t going to get the opportunity to channel my inner Jack Bauer with creative ways of tortu interrogating the scourge of society.

Police Shootout Review (XSX) | MyGamer

Learning the Ropes

With a plethora of different aspects to Police Shootout, the short tutorial turned out to be a blessing. Games Incubator do a commendable job of taking you through the paces and learning the ropes. There is an option to skip the tutorial but it’s a necessary evil if you want to have the first clue (if you would pardon the pun) about what you’re doing in the main game. Police Shootout doesn’t hold your hand and walk you through the game, but instead feeds you the crucial parts before throwing you in at the deep end.

Police Shootout Review (XSX) | MyGamer

Police Shootout in a Nutshshell

Police Shootout is a well-thought out game with a lot to offer to the right kind of gamer. The combat system is a breeze to learn, there are a lot of interesting characters to meet and a depth to the tasks you are called upon to carry out. Visually, it’s no Avowed but still looks OK for a game from the offices of an independent studio. However, it just wasn’t right for me.

I don’t want to be unfair and paint the game out to be garbage, because that is certainly not the case. With that being said, Police Shootout caters to a niche audience. If turn-based games are your thing and you revel in the prospect of being a cop for the day, you will find a lot of enjoyment to be had.





If turn-based games are your thing and you revel in the prospect of being a cop for the day, you will find a lot of enjoyment to be had.

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