Predator: Concrete Jungle unfolds the gripping tale of the alien’s history on Earth between two separate time periods, 1930 and 2030, as the Predator embarks on a mission of revenge upon a Mafia organization and its leader who seek to expose its very existence. Taking inspiration from the popular film franchise, the game allows players to roam a vast city landscape while stalking human prey with weapons of annihilation, cloaking technology, and various vision modes.
* Experience the hunt from the perspective of the Predator ? kill at will or hunt with honor
* Original story ties into established Predator mythology, including back story about the origins of the Weyland-Yutani empire
* Arsenal of quintessential Predator weapons such as wristblades, plasmacaster, combistick, speargun and smart disk
* Highly responsive combat system that enables the Predator to stylize its attack moves for different prey
* Four different vision modes to enhance the hunting experience: Thermal Scan, Neural Scan, Prey Scan, and Tech Scan
* City environments of the “concrete jungle” are the perfect hunting grounds for the Predator.
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