Puzzle game SOLAS 128 now available on Switch and PC - Video Game News & Reviews

Puzzle game SOLAS 128 now available on Switch and PC

Developer Amicable Animal and Publisher Armor Games Studios announced the release of SOLAS 128 on PC and Nintendo Switch.

Available on Steam and Nintendo’s eShop from today, SOLAS 128 is an exquisitely crafted puzzle box, filled with over 150 interconnected neon conundrums to explore and solve. Players will peek inside the mechanisms of an intricate arcane machine which is under attack from a strange external force.

By deflecting, colliding, splitting and merging pulses which palpitate like clockwork to the beat of SOLAS 128‘s bespoke synthwave soundtrack, players will be able to repair the damaged machine and uncover secrets yet unknown.

SOLAS 128 has been designed to be a game that any player can pick up and play. With an in-game hint system made to guide rather than spoil, all players will enjoy a challenge relative to their skill level.

Furthermore, accessibility is at the forefront of SOLAS 128’s design. The game’s pulses are represented by glyphs, each with a unique and distinct shape and profile. Customisable contrast settings for the colourblind or vision-impaired have also been included.
Tom Methven, the solo developer behind Amicable Animal said, “SOLAS 128 has been such a huge part of my life for 2 years, that it’s a little surreal to see it on the Steam and Switch stores. I honestly can’t wait to see more people playing it! If it brings them even a fraction of the joy and distraction it’s brought me while developing it, I’ll be delighted!”

SOLAS 128 is available now on the Nintendo Switch via eShop and PC via Steam on January 25th, priced 14.99 USD, 14.99 EURO, 13.49 GBP.

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