Puzzle Platformer Koloro jumping on Switch later this month

Between dreams and nightmares, Koloro tells the tale of a young pink hair girl named Kora who embarks on a quest to find her missing sister through a stunning Puzzle-Platformer.

Embrace a unique one-button gameplay, lovable characters, a wonderful art style and a captivating soundtrack.

Play the adventure alone or with a friend as a team in a cooperative mode. Once this is over, a hard mode will keep challenging you!

Do you have the courage to face the world of dreams and nightmares?

The game features:

A dreamlike art and captivating soundtrack
Unique and easy-to-learn gameplay
Over 300 levels
Friendship and love
Great for kids and family
Huge bosses and hidden bonuses
Coop mode for 2 players
Time trial challenges

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Editor in Chief - been writing for mygamer,com for 20+ years. Gaming enthusiast. Hater of pants. Publisher of obscure gaming content on my YT channel.

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