Based on the critically acclaimed, award-winning and ground-breaking comic, The Red Star is a high-adrenaline action game that takes the player into a chaotic world of brutal warfare set in a Russian inspired parallel universe! Power your way through massive battles – Take up arms in Revolution – Wield the epic might of Military Industrial Sorcery!
* Set in a breathtaking, award-winning universe, The Red Star flawlessly blends the fighting and shooting genre, offering innovative high-action, character-driven gameplay.
* Combat system built upon generations of fighters & shooters, blended to create an exciting and constantly evolving action experience.
* Player characters can interact with each other during cooperative play. – One player’s attacks can modify & enhance their friend’s attacks.
* 3 characters who offer 3 very different game experiences. – Provides for arcade-like replayability.
* Breathtaking, visually stunning special attacks.
* Every enemy & every obstacle is a strategic challenge. – Action is never mindless or repetitive.
* Set in the award-winning universe of The Red Star, recently named as one of Wizard Magazine’s Top 100 comic book series of all time.
President & CEO
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