Sam and Max on the Wii Next Month

The critically acclaimed Sam and Max Season One finally has a release date for the Wii, October 7th.  Telltale’s humorous adventure game came out last year episodically, once a month for six months, but is being released this year on the Wii in easy to use disc format.  The game will retail for 29.99 and be rated T.

The Sam and Max series follows the exploits of two freelance police, neither of which are human, both of which carry guns, as they try to solve zany and mixed up crimes that seem to be plaguing the street that they live on.  Pre-ordering the game will net a Gamestop customer a bonus DVD with behind the scenes features, trailers, desktop wallpaper and more.  Hopefully Telltale will soon follow suit with the release of Sam and Max season 2 on the Wii as well as announcing the third season as well.

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