Sega announces new Worms titles

By Quinton Miles

The Worms franchise is making a return to consoles, as Sega announced today the next two titles in the franchise–[i]Worms 3D[/i] for the Xbox and [i]Worms: Fort Under Siege[/i] for the PlayStation 2. Both titles are being developed by Team 17, makers of the previous [i]Worms[/i] titles.

On [i]Worms 3D[/i], the traditional style gameplay will return in full 3D glory with Xbox Live capabilites. New off the wall weapons and generated maps will also add to the depth of the title.[i]Fort Under Siege[/i] aims to kick up the strategy phase of the game up a notch by allowing gamers to build huge fortifications to defend against attacks fighting alongside King Arthur’s Medieval Knights.

Both [i]Worms 3D[/i] and [i]Worms: Fort Under Siege[/i] will be available later this year for $19.95

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